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CCP Announcements => Dev Blog => Topic started by: CCP on October 04, 2013, 09:03:34 pm

Title: Time Capsule full of Memorabilia
Post by: CCP on October 04, 2013, 09:03:34 pm
Time Capsule full of Memorabilia (
25 September 2013, 9:44 am

 Hello Capsuleers!

It has been a while since I have written a dev blog for EVE Online as I have been working hard on DUST 514. I come now to bring you information on a special little project I have been involved in on the capsuleer side of things. Before Christmas 2012 I was involved the project that brought you all the the special edition assets such as the Boots.ini boots, the deactivated station key, a tank of honor, the New Eden Open cards, and lots more. These items, all of which had no gameplay value and are just things to collect were received immensely well. With that in mind and the upcoming Second Decade Collector's Edition ( box set we wanted to do more of them. Our desire to do more lined up perfectly with the new collector's edition celebrating the first decade of EVE Online. So with that in mind I bring you the Time Capsule full of Memorabilia.

Alliance Tournament All Star Cards  The now yearly Alliance Tournament has become a growing part of EVE and it's history. The champions of each tournament have always gained extreme prestige and often respect for their performance. These victors along other teams within the tournament generate amazing stories that are told for years to come. We want to preserve that permanently within EVE, let others see this history, and of course give players something more to collect. Here is a sample of some of the cards you can expect to see:

In total there are 20 tournament cards and each collector's edition will receive all 20 cards.


These items again focus on the game's history.

For an example of what the descriptions look like:

It makes me incredibly happy to not just be able to make these items but to go to the length of ensuring as many characters, alliances, systems, and ships are correctly linked so that as you read their descriptions you can see the faces of the players involved.

All of these items have had custom icons made and can be seen on Tranquility right now. If you purchase the collector's edition you will find a code within the box which can be redeemed and will include all of these items.


Thank you all for an amazing first decade and I hope you all enjoy these as much as I did making them.

CCP FoxFour

p.s. while we did our best to ensure all the information contained in the descriptions is accurate if you find something wrong please file a bug, explain what is wrong, if at all possible provide a link to a source that shows the correct information, and mention CCP FoxFour. I will do my best to get it corrected as quickly as possible.

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Source: | devBlog (