Freelancer Union Forum

CCP Announcements => Dev Blog => Topic started by: CCP on May 14, 2012, 07:14:35 pm

Title: Alliance Tournament X Rules
Post by: CCP on May 14, 2012, 07:14:35 pm
Alliance Tournament X Rules (
2 May 2012, 1:33 am

 Alliance Tournament X is only eight weeks away and we wanted to take this opportunity to go over team submissions and rules for this event.

This year we will have 64 teams participating in the tournament which runs over four consecutive weekends starting on June 30, 2012. As well as changing some of the rules to ensure the tournament brings new tactics and set ups, we have also added rules to ensure that the spirit of the tournament remains competitive and entertaining.

Next week we will be going into more detail about how you can participate in the random draw and how to apply for an auction spot. Today we want to look at tournament rules and what we wanted to achieve with these. While a full listing is available below for your perusal, and will be updated on the new Alliance Tournament page next week, we would like to take a moment and highlight some of the important changes:

These are some of the main rule changes which we feel will add to the overall betterment of Alliance Tournament. Below is the full rule list for your information.


Match Rules  Tournament Rules Please note that both the format and match rules are subject to change. It is strongly advised that participants watch the EVE Alliance Tournament forum regularly for announcements (

Match Rules Penalties  A player found breaking any rules can be penalized to various degrees, depending on the severity of the offence. All penalties are incurred at the tournament organizer's discretion. Decisions are final. Penalties may be levied against a player or team and may include but are not limited to:

Place & Tactics Ships & Points Fitting Restrictions Flagships Victory Conditions
Source: | devBlog (