Freelancer Union Forum

CCP Announcements => CCP Announcements => Topic started by: CCP on December 13, 2011, 04:07:07 pm

Title: Time Dilation mass test on Singularity - Dec. 15th, 20:00 UTC
Post by: CCP on December 13, 2011, 04:07:07 pm
Time Dilation mass test on Singularity - Dec. 15th, 20:00 UTC (
13 December 2011, 1:00 pm

The next mass test will take place on our test-server Singularity on Thursday, December 15 at 20:00 UTC. This time we are testing Time Dilation again to make sure that all bugs are really fixed. The SisiLauncher tool ( is available for the Windows client, otherwise please follow the instructions on the Singularity page in Evelopedia (

Testing should last between 60 and 90 minutes. All participants will receive two million skillpoints on Singularity.

Please refer to this thread ( for more information about how you participate in the test, and this EVElopedia article ( for more information on mass testing.


Source: | news from EVE (