Freelancer Union Forum

CCP Announcements => CCP Announcements => Topic started by: FeedBot on November 28, 2008, 07:00:03 pm

Title: EVE Alliance Tournament VI
Post by: FeedBot on November 28, 2008, 07:00:03 pm
EVE Alliance Tournament VI

<p>The Sixth Alliance Tournament has been announced! We're returning with a full cast of commentators, experts, explosions and it will be broadcasted live!  Read more in <a href=";bid=608" target="_self">CCP Mindstar's dev blog</a>, and head on over to discuss it in the <a href=";channelID=422285" target="_self">EVE Alliance Tournament Discussions forum</a>.</p>
Title: Re: EVE Alliance Tournament VI
Post by: [FUN] dreamsequencer on November 28, 2008, 07:07:52 pm
Some guy at fanfest said organizing The Alliance Tournament has a 6-figure pricetag  crazy
Title: Re: EVE Alliance Tournament VI
Post by: Dirk Lightbender on November 28, 2008, 07:41:25 pm
Do we enter this tourney?
Title: Re: EVE Alliance Tournament VI
Post by: trakli on November 30, 2008, 11:41:41 am
do we have the time, isk, motivation and discipline to do it ?

It's a huge investment in time to come up with tactics and fittings to use, not to
mention training time for the team.

I'm new to the alliance so i'm not up to speed on how you operate but I have been in one tourny and been into alliances that fought in several, if you want to make it somewhere in the tourny you need to invest hard into it.

saying that it's good fun in the end  ;D