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Started by [FUN] Tol Sirion, January 07, 2011, 01:32:41 am

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[FUN] Tol Sirion

Originally posted on the EVE-O forums but I decided I would copy and paste it here for you to get all excited over, and maybe for others who find this site to check it out also.


Seriously, you all still here?

You know, every time I get swamped by how much of my life this series has taken up, I just have to read a page or two in this monster thread and suddenly it's all worth it.

I'm working flat out on CS3 - my job is now shift work so I'm doing what I can during downtime at work, and doing 7 to 12 hour days on CS3 during my off-shift time. I'm balancing that with spending quality time with my lovely new girlfriend, although sometimes I do rope her into assisting with the motion capture process - I think she finds my prancing about in front of cameras quite amusing

I wish it could go even faster but I'm wholly limited by the sheer size of the episode 3 project. It's a monster. I also wish I could share with you the results so far because I hate making you wait, but you're going to have to wait for the official trailer  The list of improvements is myriad, though - Motion capture is only one of the new things - I've got a director of photography who's taught me proper lighting techniques, more sets/locations, something special on the external shots front, two professional hollywood actors involved thanks to an amazing coincidence, better sound, oh and it's all in high def at last. Also, I think the script is pretty damn good, but most of the voice acting is still fairly dodgy

I've damn near half an hour of produced footage now. I'm working on some action scenes so that I can knock up that trailer you all deserve. I know it's been about 18 months since CS2 came out but bear with me just a bit longer, my MWD is on


If you haven't watched Clear Skies and Clear Skies 2, grab some popcorn and run over to youtube and watch it. Amazing work!!!!!



[FUN] Drake Megrim

I didn't know there was a second one or they were making a third.  Thank you very much for posting this!
array(6) { [0]=> array(3) { ["file"]=> string(48) "/home/ugvdmln/freelancerunion/Sources/Errors.php" ["line"]=> int(290) ["function"]=> string(9) "log_error" } [1]=> array(3) { ["file"]=> string(74) "/home/ugvdmln/freelancerunion/Themes/Lunarfall_v0.6.5/Display.template.php" ["line"]=> int(941) ["function"]=> string(17) "smf_error_handler" } [2]=> array(3) { ["file"]=> string(74) "/home/ugvdmln/freelancerunion/Themes/Lunarfall_v0.6.5/Display.template.php" ["line"]=> int(280) ["function"]=> string(20) "template_single_post" } [3]=> array(3) { ["file"]=> string(46) "/home/ugvdmln/freelancerunion/Sources/Load.php" ["line"]=> int(2498) ["function"]=> string(13) "template_main" } [4]=> array(3) { ["file"]=> string(46) "/home/ugvdmln/freelancerunion/Sources/Subs.php" ["line"]=> int(3279) ["function"]=> string(15) "loadSubTemplate" } [5]=> array(3) { ["file"]=> string(39) "/home/ugvdmln/freelancerunion/index.php" ["line"]=> int(154) ["function"]=> string(6) "obExit" } } Error loop.