
Item details - Yulai Crus Cerebi

Yulai Crus Cerebi
Subject: Prototype Nation Vessel (ID:Yulai Crus Cerebi)

Military Specifications: Battleship-class vessel. Primary role is long-range sniping support. Low microwarp velocity. Vessel will attempt to establish orbit ranges in excess of 100km.

Additional Intelligence: Est. 430,000 civilian abductions from Yulai. The Crus Cerebi identifier suggests a connective role between this vessel and others, possibly even non-Nation crafts. Attempts at short-wave information capture have demonstrated the futility of further efforts. Although the data passing through this vessel and other conduit-like variants can be intercepted, the encryption is still years away from being broken.

Synopsis from ISHAEKA-0069. DED Special Operations.
Authorized for Capsuleer dissemination.
Cargo capacity 235 m3
Mass 10,010,000 kg
Volume 100100 m3
Baseprice 0 ISK
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EVE+ theme by Vecati